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WE had the honour of conferring the first Kamala Das Poetry Award on poet Anna Sujatha Mathai, at a celebration hosted by the India International Centre Delhi at their Kamala Das Centre. The award was given away by eminent poet Keki Daruwalla amidst the love and admiration of family, friends and well-wishers.

  • Date:28/9/2018 12:00 AM
  • Location India International Centre, Lodhi Gardens, Lodhi Estate, New Delhi, Delhi, India (Map)


Celebration - Kamala Das Poetry Award & Launch of Equiverse Space

Women Empowered-India in collaboration with All Aboard-Delhi chapter, celebrated the first Kamala Das Award ceremony and the launch of its inaugural anthology ' Equiverse Space - A Sound Home in Words' in Delhi at the India International Centre on Sept 28, 2018.

Revered poet Keki Daruwalla conferred the Kamala Das Poetry Award on poet Anna Sujatha Mathai for her contribution to poetry, her love and endurance in the face of all odds. The beautiful occasion was attended by distinguished guests -poets, writers, poetry lovers, friends, family and well wishers.

Anna Sujatha Mathai read three memorable poems by Kamala Das, in her powerful voice that echoes in our hearts. Keki Daruwalla reminisced about their readings together in interesting places and recalled the all-new-format of poetry publications introduced by Rupa circa 90-91, that created much excitement at the time. Sujatha spoke of her friendship with Kamala Das and shared fond memories of visits to her home. Keki da read a poem by Das from an old cherished copy he holds dear.

We thank everyone who attended the program. Special thanks to our hosts - the India International Centre, for giving us the Kamaladevi Complex Seminar Rooms.

Heartfelt thanks to Keki da, Sujatha. Thanks to Ms Premola Ghose and Dr. Kapila Vatsyayan, for their blessings, good wishes and support.

Thank you Shuchi for being such a brilliant anchor & compere, as always. Kudos to your invaluable energy and enthusiasm!

Many thanks to Kiranjeet Chaturvedi - Founder of 'Writing and Beyond', who is also on the Editorial Advisory Panel of WE - Our Space.

Thank you Meenakshi M Singh, award winning writer and Editor of 'Stree, the Shakti'.

Thank you Kasturi Patra, Editor - Women's Web.

Thank you Ishmeet and All Aboard poets, it is a pleasure collaborating with you. Those who couldn't make it on 28th, hope to see you in future...thank you Priyanka for your poetry and also the lovely photographs you took.

Thank you Keya Chaturvedi for your beautiful opening song.

Thank you Ilakshee Bhuyan Nath for some wonderful photographs.

Thank you Kinshuk Gupta and Praniti Gulyani for participating with enthusiasm.

Thanks to everybody who shared our joy on the beautiful evening of the September 28.

Second WE Anniversary

Congratulations friends, WE turn two this September, with the blessings of the universe ! Our love and gratitude to Mahabanoo, to whom our inaugural anthology is dedicated. She teaches us what respect is, what kindness is.... and what love embodies in its frail frame...

Love and regards to poet Anna Sujatha Mathai, recipient of the first Kamala Das Poetry Award, for her contribution to poetry and her love & resilience in the face of all odds.

It has been a lively journey so far, over waters both serenely calm, and at times foaming white with the froth of turbulence; bearing aspects of great teachers showing us how to navigate.

WE are now proud members of CLMP New York ( Community of Literary Presses & Magazines). WE are honoured to be the recipient of MAP Leadership Award 2018. To our credit are : Fifteen curated readings/ one-day fests/collaborations/ associations, one selection of WE poets into a Sahitya Academy anthology, one award instituted (Kamala Das Poetry Award), and our first anthology ready to be launched!

By some wondrous coincidence WE and our dearly loved anchor Shuchi, who has compered almost all our readings so far, have come up with our first books at the same time! We shall be launching them together in Mumbai on the 18th at our favourite Bookstore -Title Waves in Bandra. Poetic miracles.... and WE are deeply grateful.

'EquiVerse Space - A Sound Home in Words', our inaugural WE anthology is here thanks to the creativity, love and participation of every contributor. You'll be pleased to know that it is beautiful inside out. Holding it in my hands creates feelings of a strange vulnerability imbued with empowerment, feelings too difficult to put into words.

'Love Inc' Shuchi Kapoor's first novel, explores facets of friendship and love set amidst the rough hewn rocks of betrayal. Beautiful things are hard won.

If you were in Mumbai on Sept 18, and attended the launch, thank you with love. The evening featured beautiful poetry curated by Ishmeet Nagpal from her brand new 'All Aboard' group of fabulous Mumbai women poets.

Thank you all friends, well-wishers, collaborators,

With love


Kala Ramesh Taseer Gujral Abha Iyengar Mohammad FarHan

Chief Editor Smeetha Bhoumik

Editorial Advisory Panel Kiranjeet Chaturvedi Rochelle Potkar Maya Sharma Sriram Pervin Saket